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Refund & Return Policy

Important Information


For all returns and refunds, you have seven (7) days from the day you received the item(s) to return the item(s) without explanation as long as the item(s) are in perfect condition, in their original packaging and any safety seals are not damaged. Please read the two (2) steps below very carefully.


Step 1: You have two (2) days after receiving the item(s) to contact us (SJ Starzz) by email to request a return or refund.

Step 2: You have five (5) days after contacting us (SJ Starzz) to return/drop off the item(s) for shipping back to the supplier.


Note:  You have seven (7) days in total to complete the two (2) step "return & refund" process. If these steps are not completed within the time frame listed above, your item(s) will not be eligible for a return or refund.


Please follow the  instructions below on how to complete  and submit a "contact us" form for returns & refunds.


  • Select "contact us" from the menu (3 lines) at the top of any page.

  • Enter your information in the three (3) fields (full name, email, phone #).

  • Select an appropriate option from the drop-down list that suit your need/issue, and type a brief message describing your issue in the message field.


Note: Some products may have additional return or refund instructions/details. Please check the "refund & return" section that’s below the product description for more details about returning a selective product.

Return & Refund: Return Policy
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